Healthy Yogurt Recipes, Meals, and Foods for Pregnancy

Yogurt is rich in calcium, iodine, magnesium, phosphorus, proteinriboflavin, and vitamin B12. Yogurt may boost energy, is hydrating, and is beneficial if you’re a mama with gestational diabetes or gestational hypertension. We will always call for plain Greek yogurt specifically in our recipes—since it is strained, it removes most of the lactose (the form of carbohydrate in dairy) and concentrates the protein. Long story short: Greek yogurt does not raise your blood sugar level and is therefore gestational diabetes-friendly! Avoid yogurt if you’re a mama with constipation.

Blackout Chocolate Banana Bread
California Coleslaw
Gluten-Free CardaMOM Peach Crisp
Life’s Just Peachy When You’re Eating This Cardamom Peach Crisp
Workin’ Mama Curry
Stretchy Jeans Cabbage Poriyal
Ch-Ch-Ch-Chia Seed Pudding with Blood Oranges
The Baby Wants This Chocolate Oreo Frozen Yogurt
Yes I Will Eat This Entire Pint of Strawberry Cheesecake Fro Yo
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