Healthy Root Vegetables Recipes, Meals, and Foods for Pregnancy

Let’s get deep for a sec. Root veggies are no longer an underground secret. We’re talkin’: beets, burdock, carrot, celeriac, daikon, onions, parsnip, potatoes, radish, rutabaga, shallots, sweet potatoes, and turnips. To be extra precautious, be sure to wash and scrub the firm skins on tougher root vegetables under cool, running, drinkable water.

Jalapeño Business Watermelon, Tomato and Cucumber Salad
Summer Lovin’ Quinoa Salad
Anti-Inflammatory Spiced Chicken Broth
Gestational Hypertension-Friendly Swiss Chard Puttanesca
Salt Lover’s Chickpeas and Chard with Anchovies, Olives, and Capers
But Will You Love Me Tamari? Carrot Ginger Soup
Can’t Keep Anything Down Potato Leek Soup
Velvety Vegan Potato Leek Soup
Comforting Carrot and Ginger Soup
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