Healthy Root Vegetables Recipes, Meals, and Foods for Pregnancy

Let’s get deep for a sec. Root veggies are no longer an underground secret. We’re talkin’: beets, burdock, carrot, celeriac, daikon, onions, parsnip, potatoes, radish, rutabaga, shallots, sweet potatoes, and turnips. To be extra precautious, be sure to wash and scrub the firm skins on tougher root vegetables under cool, running, drinkable water.

Hot and Chili
Triplet Chili with Black Beans, Pinto Beans, and Kidney Beans
Netflix And Chili
A Well-Rounded Korean BBQ Bowl
Ursula’s Calamari and Cannellini
The Mother Of All Marinated Mushrooms
Quickie… Pickled Shrimp!
Over-The-Top Umbrian Lentil Barley Soup
Mmmm Maple Spiced Sweet Potatoes and Brussels
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